It has been too long – waaaaaay too long since I sat, legs outstretched in front of me, computer resting just above my knees burning through the sheets, my dog Jax chasing squirrels in her sleep on the floor next to me while I simply wrote. Words. On a screen. Lots of them. In a thoughtful order…and not just a grocery list or an email about my daughter being late to school AGAIN. Not an email responding to a divorce lawyer. Not a Facebook post about how grateful I am for all that my crazy amazing loving friends do…nope. Just to write for me.
There are reasons for that…many, many, many shitty reasons that I’m quite sure will find a way to display themselves here in all their shiny, jaw-dropping, gasp-insighting drama that has danced through some of the crappiest times of my life. They are legit reasons…but now I can pick up my proverbial pen and let out all the words that have built up inside – the stories, the joys, the gratitude, the WTF moments…and recipes. Lots and lots and lots of recipes. And the glorious thing about all this? The thing I have found out as I’ve been treading water, often times relying on those previously mentioned friends to keep me from sinking…….
I DON’T HAVE TO DO IT ALL. *jaw drop!!! SAY WHAT????*
I don’t have to anymore, can you believe it??? I don’t have to be anything other than who I am. I just have to BE…and in fact sometimes? Well, a booger in the cookie dough just might be the missing ingredient.