The P-Touch and My Bitches

There are two things in my life that keep me motivated, organized, and on track: my p-touch label maker and my bitches – ok, ok, fine…..they’re loving friends, but they’re also bitches.

Oh come on! You totally have friends who fit that description.  They’re the ones who show up at my house for the first time and are like, “Uh, hey…really? Did you seriously label your brown rice and your right….errrr…white rice?!?!?”  They’re the friends who stand with a mischievous smirk as they rearrange my spice drawer in its alphabetical perfection spelling out secret messages like “DAMN” using Dill, allspice, nutmeg and marjoram. Or maybe the ones who flip the toilet paper roll so that it falls UNDER instead of OVER.  All just to see me lose my shit. And yet, these people somehow make my life better and more exciting……

And so my friends…this is how I started 2017.  With my motivating factors: My P-Touch and My Bitches. What I discovered, however, is that leaving my Bitches with access to my P-Touch may not be the wisest thing….and here’s why:

I have a GLORIOUSLY organized, labeled, and tidy pantry…my “happy place” is how my 8 year old describes it.  Everything has a home, and everything is IN that home. I could go in there blindfolded and find the Bulgar…yes, the Bulgar…

Having such a spectacular group of friends is so much fun on nights like New Years Eve even when it’s just a low-key onesie party, which is what I chose to do for this year’s NYE.  Really, I was especially giddy to have 2016 over with, and fully planned on staying up to watch it die…counting down to its last breath…relishing the moment of its passing…sitting by the fire roasting marshmallows and drinking whiskey.  A few of my Derby Sisters (including my Derby-Wife Dame Over) came over and we did mostly that…it wasn’t exactly what I envisioned, but we had a good time nonetheless.

Soon after midnight, as the last guest left the house, and I closed the front door ready to take on the new year, something caught my eye. WHAT THE HECK?

Yeah. That’s a label….on my front door…that says “DOOR.” WTF? I chuckled at the joke, and immediately posted on Facebook about how funny they were.  I headed to bed chuckling that it had taken all these years to have someone do this.  In the morning, as I stood staring at my espresso maker as my coffee poured and slowly became conscious, I noticed another label….this one quite crooked with an obviously intentional spelling error….

Then it hit me…if there are two, there are probably three and if there are three….well, oh lord, where else am I going to find these things??? It didn’t take long for me to realize they had gone apeshit with the P-touch…adding clever spellings and witty replacements to already existing labels, and also adding ridiculously obvious ones…..

Poking around the house became totally fun, with new discoveries that brought chuckles and more than a few, OH. MY. GODS….something tells me these girls aren’t going to stop with this round, and I’m freaking loving it!  Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

God, I love my Bitches.

Don’t forget to follow me up in the upper right hand corner!






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